
Essay About The Failure Of Reconstruction

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Essay About The Failure Of Reconstruction
After the American Civil War, the southern states were left severely crippled with a debt over $2 billion. During the war the Union engaged in total war, attacking civilian, economic, and military targets. Having most of the battles on southern soil, the south suffered greatly. After the war, the south had difficulty recovering and manufacturing needed supplies due to their agricultural based economy. President Lincoln wanted to quickly unify the country and supported plans that were lenient towards the south along with Vice President Andrew Jackson. John Wilkes Booth, however thought the way to liberate the south was with the death of Lincoln. Yet, the tragic irony of this assassination led to further troubles and victimization of the South. The first attempt and failure in the Reconstruction was the Ten Percent Plan. For the states to be reintegrated into the Union, ten percent of the states' voters had to pledge allegiance to the United States and accept emancipation. Congressional Republicans fiercely rejected the plan believing it did not safeguard the Union and was much too lenient, and in response came up with the Wade-Davis Reconstruction Bill. This Bill required loyalty oath from the majority of the states' voters, holding a Constitutional Convention abolishing slavery, and all debts paid back in full along with the revoking …show more content…
The provisions of the amendment consisted of the main point: anyone born or naturalized in the United States is a full citizen. It denies the right to deprive of the natural rights and property without the due process of law, and guarantees each citizen equal protection under the law while also giving Congress the power to enforce the

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