Hashim Rizwan
MOS 3353 550
Bill Iwrin
Corporate social responsibility can simply be identified as a duty, which is not a legal obligation lately, under very much consideration by every multinationals, as well as the growing firm. The ongoing concern is meant to increase the awareness between the business Individuals, to implement and draw line which should clearly indicates that what social obligation an organization has towards the society.(Caroll,1970) (Caroll, Archie, B.(1991). The pyramid of corporate social responsibility is towards the moral management of organization stakeholder.
Promoting a social justice may be justified, because it has been proven to create the competitive advantage by creating loyal employees, which directly leads to attaining loyal costumers. This may create an argument on flip side, that it may increase the administrative expenses which may also distracts the executive, as well as managers from their soul responsibility looking to increase the profits. This idea of profit maximization is well supported by the greatly Friedman, who particularly rejected the idea off business leaders articulating new visions that consider any business aspect than the profit maximizations them selves. The survey of corporate social responsibility research says, “ It creates administrative expenses, distracts executives, confuses economic goal, and subtracts from social welfare when the corporation is less efficient.” (The good company, 22)
My paper will support a company named Tim Hortons, and will argue how the effective use of strategy such as; corporate responsibility have just not only helped to create a positive image for the organization, but also has greatly created positive externalities. The conflict between firms and a consumer’s movement for example, fair trade coffee labelling, may give a better inside of how Tim Horton may have excelled in their corporate culture.
Bibliography: Accounting for wealth Inequality, Ecnometric society world congress, 2000. www.kidsability.ca/en/SmileCookies, Kids Ability, Tim Horton Smile Cookie Campaign, 2010. Tim Horton’s hire people with disabilities, Stephen pate, 2014. Firedman, Milton. Capitalism and freedom (Chicago: University of Chicago press, 1962), p. 133 Nader Ralph, Ally of the American citizen consumer, New York,: Grossman, 1965 Blair, R.D & Lafontaine, (2005). The economics of franchising, Entrepreneurial leadership Historical Research Reference. Tim Horton Inc. (2013) Building from strength; 2012 Annual report Http:/annualreport.timhortons.com/ The politics of Corporate Social Responsibility; Reflection on the UN human right norms for corporation,” Company and securities Law 25, no Ross, M. L. (2003). : oil, Drugs and Diamonds: The varying rile of Natural Resources in civil war, the political Economy of Armed conflict. The social responsibility of business is to increase its profits.” New York Times Magazine, September 13: 32-33)