Prof. Ricardo Acosta
English 101
19 February 2014
A Journey to Heaven How much would you like to visit your favorite place in the world? During my senior year, my parents came in with amazing news for me. They had told me I was going to a trip to Italy with them. The plan was not initially with me going on the trip, but my little sister was, since she could not assist on the trip, I was the lucky brother that had this opportunity. Most of my concerns were school, but this trip would definitely pay off the hard work keeping up with school. One of the places I wanted to visit the most on the whole world and many other activities came along the way. Travelling is something everyone should do in their lives, know about different cultures and change the daily routine in the daily life. The most boring part, as always, is taking off from Panama to Italy; since we had to pack up the luggage and being on a plane for 14 hours. The flight was from Panama to New Jersey and a connection flight from New Jersey to Italy. The experience on plane was fine, though I’ve never liked planes, since it’s a small place and I like open-large spaces, I am a hyperactive. I had to have myself put on a seat for 14 hours watching movies, which it was not good because my parents had to deal with this and myself. Finally arriving at Italy I could already feel the excitement and smell of a new place to discover and learn. Arriving to Milan, the country was nothing like I expected. Milan brought disappointment from me since it was nothing like I expected. The hotel was O.K. though, they had to save a lot of energy and we had the worst experience staying on a “4” stars hotel. The most exciting part of being in Milan was the food, every meal had something delicious to eat and try different dishes. I went to the Ophthalmology Milan Congress 2012 with my dad which was really fun since you could see the innovations on technology about the eye, how to cure more eye diseases, how to prevent