What is shopping? Shopping is actually an activity of searching, selecting the products and services to fulfill the needs, wants and desires of an individual. Sometimes, we will take shopping as a leisurely activity like window shopping to spend our free time. People like shopping because it can be a positive experience. Besides, in the competitive era, most of us having a lot of stress at work life, therefore, shopping has become one of the stress relievers for us. In today modernization world, shopping can be separated into two different types which are shopping in stores and shopping online. There are plenty of similarities and differences when it comes to shopping in stores and shopping online.
First of all, one of the similarities between online shopping and shopping in stores is both of it offering a great variety of products they offer. Shopping mall provides different departments stores by giving customers a large number of products to choose. For example garments, kitchen ware, accessories and so on. Consumers are able to choose different colors, styles, shapes and sizes to fit their needs. Similar to online shopping, it gives the user the opportunity to search for the product they want through endless avenues. Moreover, to enhanced features on many retailer websites, shoppers are able to see what an item would look like in different color, size or send a link to a friend to get feedback. Like for instance, the online stores for Victoria’s Secret allows shoppers to click on the color swatches to change the color of an item and click through the alternate views to determine the exact fit and shape.
Next similarity between online shopping and shopping in store is the method they use to sell the product to their customers (Gore, 2013). Traditional stores accept both credit card and cash. Besides, it will typically have seasonal and end of season sales. Moreover, it gives out special discount to those members and
Bibliography: Gore, A. (2013). The Similarities Between Shopping Online and in the Mall. Retrieved 6 29, 2013, from eHow tech: http://www.ehow.com/info_8497118_similarities-between-shopping-online-mall.html