Asian carp are one of the most powerful invasive species in the Great Lakes. They are aggressive fish that beat other native fish for food. There are two types of carp, the bighead and the silver carp (Thompson). Both of them cause economic damage (Thompson). The Asian carp are like vacuum cleaners because they suck up all of the food resources and turn them into carp biomasses” (“Giant,leaping Asian carp”). The carp is a big fish and it grows up to 110 pounds and it eats …show more content…
“The government is talking about spending 20-30 million dollars to keep the carp out of the Great Lakes” (“Asian carp as quality”). It would cost money to keep the locks closed. If the locks are closed, access to the largest tour destination in the Midwest, the Navy pier would suffer because tourists won’t be able to get there. Many millions of dollars are at stake if locks are closed (“Keep locks open;find”). It would cost a ton of money to reverse the flow of the whole river. They would have to barricade canals and once the reversal of water reached down town, they would have to spend billions because water would be pushed and it would cause flooding. They then would have to spend more money to control the water flow by building reservoirs and pipes to hold back the water (“Voracious Asian carp spur”). It will also cost the city 20 million dollars to find ways to prevent the carp from being established in the Great Lakes (“Planning war on Asian”). There are lots of expenses that are involved in keeping the Asian carp