As a father and mother theirs to a role to not make’em feel ignore and left alone. According to Trent, “Police believe …show more content…
Dylan also whom was involved with Eric on The Columbine Massacre were victims of others own violations. As a result to Brown and Merritt, Eric had a dark side that had a violent strain that was build up by the injustice he would see. (Brown and Merritt,pg.20). Providing one another with respect constructs an environment where the youth would feel setting forth in life, maybe expressing themselves among the rest. Because of that to Brown and Merritt, the youth today are in a place where they are taught that life is harsh, cruel that the people around them are to mean-spirited bullies. ( Brown and Merritt pg.20 ). Having these obstacles around will cramp an individual and will try to seek their way out for satisfaction. Were to this situation respect has no longer itself trusted meaning if not a cover to the wicked mind itself. That being the case to Brown and Merritt, the two whom were involved in provoking the massacre they were frustrated by the rest, like every other young in the world both saw a bitter future for our generation that we now look back at. (Brown and Merritt pg.20). This targets the youth ability to enforce themselves in to attack toward one another. The youth will come face to face within their