The district contextual factor the effects the school the strongest is we are a charter school, so it means we are our own district. Being our own district has advantages and disadvantages. The largest advantages is that we are more involved in the decisions made for our school. This isn’t someone disconnected from the school making the decisions for the school. We are the ones there day to day and can make the best decisions for the school. The largest …show more content…
I use technology to take attendance, give a lesson, stay in contact with my parents and students, and plan my lessons. I access curriculum material and resources multiple times during the day. Without technology or resource access make teaching capability would take four steps back. On a few incidences my technology has malfunctioned and I was unable to teach the lesson planned. It felt like a huge part of the lesson and understanding was missing and the lesson needed re-teaching. Technology is a great resource that should be utilized to its fullest