Modern America: her roots fortified by societal prosperity and rigorous efforts towards perfection, has allowed her to flourish in matters unfeasible to other countries. Freedom and opportunity reign adjacent to democratic powers, a partnership coveted by foreigners. Where communities, no matter the tongue, race, or religion, join together as one. Everyday America births new ideas, jobs, technologies, and opportunities for a better way of living. She captures the very essence to what she was once called: The new world. However, in spite of these qualities, America is far from excellence. Economical inequality impacts the livelihood of many, causing a great division of status amid the wealthy and those in poverty. Likewise, the disconnection of higher …show more content…
Furthermore, big corporations are thought to wield an excessive amount of authoritative power over the economy and the government, thus bringing a disadvantage to smaller companies. These are the characteristics I wanted to depict in my collage for English 10. My group and I searched through several periodicals to find images and text to support what we believe reflect our current view of contemporary America. Modern America demonstrates how a society can function with multiple truths, in which my freedom allows me to explore these truths and come to a conclusion to what is right or wrong; so forth my contribution to society springs from my understanding of these realities and my actions upon them. Whilst the American community holds many truths, this causes a division between contrasting groups which can contribute to the prosperity of the country or they can hinder it, thus leading to the validity of my collage which represents America as such. Reason being, the American nation has always held several truths because these realities are subjective to the individual. Furthermore, American liberty allows people to witness a variety of truths, from there, they can