The United States of America is a country founded on Judeo-Christian morals and ethics and is comprised of unique individuals who have led the world in innovation and ingenuity. The liberties and freedoms that America is founded on have enabled people to develop some of the world’s most technological advances. The capitalistic system has created the opportunity for great personal wealth, and has given millions of people opportunities that otherwise would not have been afforded to them without living in this country. As a civilized society based on the foundation of those morals and ethics, it is also a country founded on laws that ensure protection and civil order. The United States of America is a …show more content…
A major problem the United States faces today is illegal immigration. The United States is a country founded upon immigrants who have come here legally and made productive lives. Illegal immigration is a drain on the economy and poses an excessive risk to the citizens of this country. In a post 9/11 world the U.S. faces many challenges and foreign enemies like never seen before in the past. Border security is an issue that has not been taken seriously, yet is the one critical issue that is vital to our nation’s national security and preservation. It is estimated that eleven to twelve million undocumented immigrants live and work in the United States, roughly one in every twenty workers, according to a study by the Pew Hispanic Center (Pew Hispanic Website). Most illegal immigrants that enter the country do so from the U.S.-Mexico border. In 2007, some 880,000 people were arrested illegally crossing the U.S.-Mexico broder. According to the American Federation for Immigration Reform (FAIR), eighteen percent of illegal immigrants fall below the poverty line ( This is compared to eleven percent of the poverty stricken individuals who are native born. The implications from this is simple for the United States: illegals are twice as likely than native born citizens to apply and receive some sort of federal assistance that is taxpayer funded. Annualy state governments are spending anywhere between eleven billion to twenty two billion dollars to provide aid to illegal immigrants. Another major problem faced by our current policy of allowing illegal immigrants into our country is approximately two billion a year of tax payer dollars are spent on WIC, food stamps, school lunches, etc. Our country spends two and a half billion dollars a year on Medicaid for illegal immigrants and roughly seventeen billion a year is spent