Enzo Biasillo
Strayer University
Despite the increase in funding over the last decade, the number of illegal aliens entering our country continues to grow. Every year, we allow 750,000 immigrants to enter the country legally and make them eligible for citizenship within five years yet it is estimated that 10 million people reside in our country without legal documentation. Illegal immigration is not just Arizona’s problem, or any of the other bordering states, it is a national problem that is costing United States citizens billions each year. “Political Correctness” forbid certain politicians from calling illegal immigrants what they are at face value: Criminals. They commit an illegal act that undermines the economic backbone of our country and not one administration has wanted to tackle the problem head on. Why is that? Is it political correctness that stands in the way? Or is it political posturing, budget constraints or all three? And what is the true cost of maintaining our borders? How much have we spent to protect America from illegals and what means do we use to obtain our objective?
For the past two decades, the U.S. government has pursued a contradictory policy on immigration and the creation of trade agreements has also created a new vehicle for illegal entry into our country. While NAFTA has increased the commercial integration, an unintentional consequence is the creation of a bi-national network which now allows the ability to transport illegal immigrants more easily under the guise of the trade agreement. The U.S. Border Patrol is responsible for patrolling 8,000 miles of the land and coastal borders of the United States to detect and prevent the illegal entry of aliens and contraband, including terrorists and weapons of mass destruction. An addition of 6000 agents at a price tag of $14,700 to train each agent still has not made a dent in our border control. (GAO) The current border control
References: (1) Passel, J (2005) “Estimates of the Size and Characteristics of the Undocumented Population,” (2) http://article.nationalreview.com/311221/what-does-illegal-immigration-cost/byron-york (3) http://www.globalsecurity.org/security/systems/mexico-wall.htm (4) http://www.foxnews.com/us/2010/05/17/immigration-costs-rising-rapidlty-new-study-says/#commenting (5) http://threehegemons.tripod.com/threehegemonsblog/id152.html (5) United States Government Accountability Office (6) http://trac.syr.edu/immigration/library/P1894.pdf (7) Barnes, E (2010) Fox News