Homeland Security
In order to understand how to protect our country we must first become familiar with the agencies. Crank and Gregor (2005) explain how Homeland security has come to the limelight post 9/11. Our country’s security was not something that normal individuals pondered. It took a tragic event to force us to look at security issues our country faces. Crank and Gregor (2005) give us background on Homeland Security by explaining that Tom Ridge was the first director who was an attorney and served twice as governor of Pennsylvania. He was also a close friend of President Bush. It was apparent that our government was in need of an agency to specifically assist the needs of protecting the United States.
The Department of Homeland Security was created from the Office of Homeland Security in 2003. It is also charged with counterterrorism. DHS includes law enforcement agencies, such as the Secret Service, the Border Patrol, the new Immigration and Customs Enforcement and the U.S. Customs Service and other agencies. It has its own military force, the U.S. Coast Guard, and the Coast Guard has limited
References: Crank, John P. & Gregor, Patricia E. (2005). Counter-Terrorism after 9/11 Justice, Security and Ethics Reconsidered. Cincinnati, Ohio: LexisNexis Group. Faist, Thomas (2002). “Extension du domaine de la lutte”. International Migration Review, Vol Haque, M. Shamsul (Sept.,2004). The Fundamentals of Terrorism and Its Target: Responsible Governance their Impact on People and Public Administration. Public Adminstrative Review, Vol.62. Democratic Governance in the Aftermath of September 11,2001,pp. 170-180. Retrieved March 28, 2008 from JSTOR database. Kritz, Mary M Moore, Kathleen (Autumn, 2002). Arab, Muslim, Race in America. A part of US or fromU.S.? Post-September 11 attitudes toward Muslim and Civil Liberties. Middle East Report, No.244, pp. 32-35. Retrieved March 10, 2008 from JSTOR database. Nakaya, Andrea. (2005). Homeland security. Greenhaven Pr. Tumlin, Karen C Immigration Policy. California Law Review,Vol.92, No.4,pp.1173-1239. Retrieved March 10, 2008 from JSTOR database. WHITE, JONATHAN R. (2008). Terrorism and Homeland Security Sixth Edition. Belmont, CA: Thomson Wadsworth.