Lexcia Negron
Pearblossom Private School
February 17, 2014
The 9/11 terrorist attack in the United States has become one of the most known disasters in history. Because of the horrible tragedies that happened on September 11, 2001, America has had some effects from it. From getting stopped more than usual in the airport, to having an Immigration system and also having an Act that allows the government to intrude in people’s lives. Security protocols, Immigration System, What in detail does the Patriot Act involve. Those three subjects will be discussed in detail in my essay. 9/11 will always be considered a turning point in the history of America. The events of that day will never be forgotten. …show more content…
September 11, 2001 September 11th, 2001 was the series of four coordinated terrorist attacks that were launched by an Islamic group that goes by the name Al-Qaeda. This particular group of terrorist hijacked four passenger airlines crashing two of them into the Twin Towers of the world Trade Center in New York City. A third plane also crashed into the Pentagon in Washington D.C. and a fourth in a field in Shanks Ville, Pennsylvania. The terrorist attacks held on September 11, 2001 changed the view of many American Citizens. Some drastic changes in America were security protocols, the birth of the Patriot Act and immigration laws. This essay will explain how the attacks and countries reaction to them still affect American lives today. The years after September 11th have definitely reshaped many facets of life in America.
For example, specific I.D is now required and must exactly match your name on ticket, shoes must be removed at checkpoints and there are no exceptions. Other Airport Security includes the removal of all metal objects such as belt buckles, coins, eye glasses and mobile phones. All baggage and carryon items must be screened at all times, pat downs were enhanced and everyone has to get body scanning before boarding anywhere. Your name can be on a NO FLY List this was created by the US after 9/11. If your name appears on this list extra inspection is required by airline. There is also a Terrorist Watch List. This list is one of the one’s the US would consider as individuals whom are threats to society in America or have involvement of some sort with terrorist. This new security after 9/11 is remarkable costly and at times give you false positives. Even with all this security it has experienced attempted terrorist attacks over the last …show more content…
decade. The immigration system has always been in place; however after 9/11 the course of discussion changed.
Previously, before 9/11 North Mexico and U.S. migrants were able to cross the border to look for work more easily. However, after 9/11 securing the border became a national priority. After 9/11 it became harder for Muslims to become American citizens. If arrested by police illegal Muslims were now deported without question now. Even some of their charities were targeted by FBI. Before 9/11 President Bush was viewed as immigration moderate; however after 9/11 his administration saw immigration as a way to fight terrorism. Because George W. Bush was president at the time 9/11 occurred and he happened to be of the Republican Party. There were many changes; a few of them were increased funding, spending on deportations and removing criminals. For example, increased funding was no longer an issue after 9/11 President Bush passed a homeland security act. This helped many government agencies to help the U.S. in dealing with immigration matters spending on deportation, increased after 9/11 from 200,000 to nearly 400,000. Some of the deportations include in large amounts criminals/individuals that might not have been considered of interest before by the government, but now a lesser conviction would lead to deportation. Due to all these changes American citizens who vote have stated that they partly see the aftermath of 9/11 more as a very important and influential interruption in
modern evolution of America and its politic than as a historic point. The Patriot Act along with other legislation changes gave government the authority to intrude in the citizens personal lives. This act has allowed law enforcement to use new tools to detect and prevent terrorism. It allows government to conduct its investigation without giving any individual notice of suspected terrorism. The government is also able to get a court order to obtain business records as well if suspected of terrorism. In the past this was more difficult to do now as long as the government demonstrates there is enough evidence to investigate. It basically gives law enforcement the right to obtain a search warrant anywhere they feel a terrorist related activity occurred. On a personal level are allowed to search through emails, calls, financial and other records. This definitely reduced restrictions on law enforcement. September 11, 2001 will always be considered a turning point in the history of America. The events of September 11th were unlike any other shock experienced in the history of America. Due to this historical tragedy changes such as security, immigration laws have changed of drastically and The Patriot Act and other laws have been easier to put in place. Nine Eleven was a traumatic moment for all involved. However, a somber memory even for those not directly involved. September 11, 2001, will be remembered as one of the most horrible and unbelievable days ever experienced in the United States. The events of this day certainly affect every American, and likely affect every person in the world in some way. Our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deadly terrorist acts.
Chernick, H. (2005). Resilient City: The Economic Impact of 9/11. New York, NY Russell Sage Foundation
National September 11th Memorial Organization. (2014). what is Al-Qaeda. (2014) Retrieved on January 16, 2014 from http://www.911memorial.org/faq-about-911
Five ways Immigration system changed after 9/11. (2013). (2013) Retrieved January 16, 2014 from http://fusion.net/justice/story/ways-immigration-system-changed-911-15422