The first test was designed in the 1920’s and it was developed to test the toxicity of certain products. Testing cosmetics on animals in the United States is very common. About a thousand mice, guinea pigs, rats and rabbits undergo pain or die each year. Animal testing is different in some circumstances.
Animal testing involves the inability to consent. It involves pain, suffering, and discomfort under certain situations. Researchers aren’t fully able to block out the pain, certain tests they will use anaesthetic. The abuse animals during this test was publicised in the 1990’s to create a public frenzy and anger towards animal testing. This increased attention led to the ban of animal testing for cosmetics in …show more content…
1998 within Britain. Animal testing in the United States is watched by the federal Animal Welfare Act (AWA), passed in 1966 and revised in 1970, 1976, and 1985. “A May 2013 Gallup poll found that 56% of Americans say medical testing on animals is morally acceptable with 39% saying it’s morally wrong.” (Frank Newport)
Some of the most common makeup companies still test their products on animals.
L'oreal tested their makeup on animals up until 1989, after finding new strategies to test their makeup and make sure it is safe to use. Almay does not test their products on animals and haven’t for 20 years now. Covergirl still tests their makeup on animals but have eliminated 80% of it. What about the remaining 20%? Covergirl stills uses this outdated Lethal Dose 50, which involves the distribution of a substance to a group of animals. Mary Kay and Sephora does not test their products on animals anywhere in the U.S. but they test their products on animals in China. Scientists never express their thoughts about testing cosmetics on animals. Nature surveyed a thousand biomedical scientists, over seventy percent of those scientists conduct experiments on animals. About ninety percent of those scientists felt that animal testing is important in scientific improvements but they also said that they are concerned about the well being of the animal. When they test them they try and use little as many animals as they can and they treat them with respect.
Activism is the action of using intensive campaigning to bring out political or social change. About fifteen percent U.S. scientists change the way they do their research and practices because of activism. Sixty-five percent of the U.S. researchers believe that activists present a real threat to important scientific
Scientists say that animals are biologically similar to humans. They are affected by the same medical problems as humans are and they have short life spans so they can be easily studied. The most important reason as to why they test animals is because it would be wrong to expose humans to health risks.