“The critical age for learning language is around 21 to 36 months old. During this period, much of the cognitive infrastructure in a person’s brain is developed and it is thought, much of it is developed as a result of learning language.” (Hiskey). This shows that a humans thought process is based on language, making language essential in living an interactive, full and healthy life. For hearing children learning a language is very easy since most of their parents speak the same language. However, the majority of deaf children are born into hearing families, and unless a family with a deaf child lives in a developed country where there is access to education and Deaf communities, a normal life for a deaf child may not be
“The critical age for learning language is around 21 to 36 months old. During this period, much of the cognitive infrastructure in a person’s brain is developed and it is thought, much of it is developed as a result of learning language.” (Hiskey). This shows that a humans thought process is based on language, making language essential in living an interactive, full and healthy life. For hearing children learning a language is very easy since most of their parents speak the same language. However, the majority of deaf children are born into hearing families, and unless a family with a deaf child lives in a developed country where there is access to education and Deaf communities, a normal life for a deaf child may not be