but also I wanted to highlight men’s abuse. This is targeted towards people who think men cannot be victims. I wanted to make people aware to the fact that even the strongest man can fall victim to an abusive relationship. Anyone who believes they are truly in love will stay through anything. When anyone reads, or looks at a poster the eyes go from left to right. My ethos stems from the photo of an abused woman. Many people are taught from a young age that women are the weaker sex so to have the first thing the eye will go to is a damsel in distress. When most people see a woman in pain or in need of help instinctively we go to them to fix or address the problem. Once the obvious is captured your eyes will move to the less spoke about. You see an abused male which may come as shocking and you’ll see that both genders suffer from a very one-sided discussion. My logos and ethos go hand in hand almost. The logical aspect plays onto people’s morals. When someone sees the abused they typically want to help. Within this poster I provided a campaign name as well as the national hotline number so those in need can have help finding a way out and so those who know someone who needs help can give them a leg up to get out. I looked to persuade my audience mainly through an emotional aspect.
I also take pride in my ‘hook’ statement. Equality is a huge issue in this day and age and the fact that such a positive and searched for goal can be turned into a negative light will hopefully get the attention this subject needs. There is equality in this world but in the darkest of areas. Men being abuse victims show them as weak and worthless, but for a woman to be abused is somehow accepted. Abuse has been normalized when it is a woman but men are victims too. There are many issues throughout the world where woman and men both suffer but showing just one could possibly open a door to seeing more