The renal system consists of two kidneys, two ureters which come out of the kindeys and a single bladder which collects the urine before it goes into the urethra. It also involves the sphincter muscle which is located just below the bladder and its purpose is to control the flow of urine. The kidneys have renal veins which take the blood from the kidneys into the main vein in the body which is known as the vena cava, they also have short renal arteries which come out of the main vein in the body and enter the kidneys. The purpose of this system is to remove the toxins from your body and to allow you to urinate to get rid of unnecessary fluids and toxins from your body.
Nervous system
The nervous system consists of the CNS (Central Nervous System), the peripheral nervous system and the nerves that run to the brain and the spinal …show more content…
The urethra a male has is longer than that of a female as it is enclosed in the penis. This system is the male version of the female reproductive system but they both consist of different organs and have different purposes in the process of reproduction. The male reproductive system is designed to reproduce by releasing sperm into the female’s uterus so it can fertilise with and egg and make a baby.
Lymphatic system
This system consists of lymphatic capillaries that lie in spaces between body cells and join to larger lymphatic vessels which eventually connect to two lymphatic ducts known as the thoracic duct and the right lymphatic duct. Lymphatic ducts transfer fluid collected by the vessels to the blood circulation close to the heart and the lymph nodes make sure that certain things don’t get into the blood stream in case they cause harm to the body. Due to the job that the lymph nodes do it is likely that they may develop cancer due to what they take out of the blood stream and store.
Muscular system