
Essay On Gloria Steinem

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I, Gloria Steinem, was born on March 25, 1934 in Toledo, Ohio. My father was Leo Steinem. He was a childlike man who was a fountain of inventions, ad slogans and product ideas. He was always sure one of them would make him rich. He died in 1962 still believing that. It was sad because he was a great man. My mother, Ruth Nuneviller Steinem was a teacher, and journalist. When she was thirty years old she gave up her career to help my father run the summer resort they owned in Michigan. After my father died it was very stressful and depressing for her because my mother suffered through many nervous break-downs and died in 1980.

Much of my early years were spent in a house trailer, traveling the country as my father searched for
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We worked together in forming the National Women's Political Caucus, which worked on behalf of women's issues. When I took the lead in launching the pioneering, feminist Ms. Magazine I was filled with joy. I always made sure my topics tackled important topics, including domestic violence. It is important to me that my readers are satisfied so I must always write to fulfill and answer my readers. I was amazed to have my magazine become the first national publication to feature domestic violence on my cover in 1976. I’m not afraid of press and I publish what my readers want and need to know. I have a vast collection of wrtings. As my fame began to rise, I face criticism from other feminists, including the Redstockings. I was upset at first but I pushed my haters aside. Everyone will have their haters but forget them. I thought about my fans and my supporters. They are the ones who matter to me. 1986 was a very hard year for me. I found out I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I was very worried. Luckily I was able to beat the disease with treatment. When my life was almost at stake, I valued my life more. I learned how important it is to always do your best to keep your body

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