In addition, the primary movements of the gluteus medius include abduction of the thigh at the hip as well as medial rotation by its anterior fibres and lateral rotation by the posterior fibres (Kiran, 2012:215). …show more content…
Ayotte, Stetts, Keenan and Greenway, 2007. Boudreau et al., 2009. Distefano et al., 2009. Boren et al., 2011. Ekstrom et al., 2007) to determine gluteus medius activation and function during strength, neuromuscular and core stability exercises. In a pre-test post-test study performed to improve the walking gait in a group of children with cerebral palsy, it has been observed that neuromuscular electrical stimulation (NMES) contributes to improved muscle tone of the gluteus medius (Al-Abdulwahaba and Al-Khatrawib, 2009:209). The results of the study concluded that using NMES during training improves the walking gait of affected individuals close to that of the normal