1. Clavicle: it is the insertion of the upper trapezius muscle which is responsible for scapula elevation and extension of the head and neck.
2. Humerus: long bone to which the brachialis muscle is attached at its distal half of the anterior portion of the humerus to help flexion of the elbow.
3. Radius: it is the insertion of the brachioradialis muscle which is responsible for supination and pronation of the arm
4. Femur: it is the origin of the vastus intermedius at its upper 2/3 of the anterior surface, the muscle is helping in knee extension.
5. Tibia: it is the origin of the tibialis anterior muscle which is attached to the upper 2/3 of the lateral surface of the tibia. It works for dorsal flexion of the ankle, inversion of the foot.
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Thoracic vertebrae: it is the origin of the lower trapezius muscle which is attached to the spinous process of T4-T12 that helps in the upward rotation of the scapula.
7. Cervical vertebrae: C1 to C4 are the origin of elevator scapula muscles that elevates media margin of scapula.
8. Lumbar vertebrae: it is one of the origins of the Latissmus Dorsi which attaches to the back of the sacrum and spinous process of lumbar and lower T6-T12 , posterior crest of Ilium and slips from the last 3 ribs , the Latissmus Dorsi is responsible for adduction , extension , horizontal abduction and internal rotation of glenohumeral joint
9. Ilium: it is the origin of the rectus femoris muscle that is attached to the anterior iliac spine of the Ilium and a groove above the acetabulum to flex the hip and extend the
10. Scapula: it is the origin of the posterior deltoid which is attached to the inferior edge of the spine scapula to perform abduction, extension, horizontal abduction and external rotation of the glenohumeral joint.
11. Sternum: it is the origin of the sternal pectoralis major muscle which is attached to the anterior surfaces of costal cartilage of the first 6 ribs and adjacent portion of sternum for internal rotation, horizontal adduction, extension and adduction of the glenohumeral joint.
12. Ulna: it is the insertion for the triceps brachis that helps in adduction of the shoulder joint, extension of the elbow.
13. Rib: it is the origin of the external oblique that attaches to external and inferior borders of ribs 5-12 that compresses abdomen, depresses ribs.
14. Ishium: it is the origin and insertion of the semi- membranous muscle that helps to extend the hips, flex the knee and make internal rotation of the knee.
15. Fibula: it is the origin of the soleus muscle in conjunction with the tibia bone, the soleus muscle is for plantor flexion of the ankle.