In three weeks, most combat was over, and the Germans were victorious. Hitler then conquered Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France; only Britain was left in the west. Hitler and the Nazis then began to touch on the “Final Solution,” meaning the extermination of the Jews. Nazis began transporting Jews to polish ghettos to wait for their death. The ghettos were never meant to be temporary, only used to group Jews together and send them to concentration camps. All Jews between the ages of fourteen and sixty were subjected to forced labor. The weak, sick, and old Jews were killed quicker and classified as unproductive. “Starving the Jews to death was cheaper than shooting them”(Meltzer 81). The NAzis were cruel in torturing the Jews and refusing to give them even a quick death at times. As beneficial as the Jewish labor was for German military, Hitler continued to annihilate the Jews. While some Jews could not find the will to live, others fully believed the Jews were going to lose the war and they would be freed. Most resisted passively by continuing their cultural life with plays and concerts, often mocking the Nazis. Education and religious worship were also found in many ghettos, even after both had been restricted. Many Jews maintained their will to survive and continued to live in such painful and sorrowful
In three weeks, most combat was over, and the Germans were victorious. Hitler then conquered Denmark, Norway, Holland, Belgium, and France; only Britain was left in the west. Hitler and the Nazis then began to touch on the “Final Solution,” meaning the extermination of the Jews. Nazis began transporting Jews to polish ghettos to wait for their death. The ghettos were never meant to be temporary, only used to group Jews together and send them to concentration camps. All Jews between the ages of fourteen and sixty were subjected to forced labor. The weak, sick, and old Jews were killed quicker and classified as unproductive. “Starving the Jews to death was cheaper than shooting them”(Meltzer 81). The NAzis were cruel in torturing the Jews and refusing to give them even a quick death at times. As beneficial as the Jewish labor was for German military, Hitler continued to annihilate the Jews. While some Jews could not find the will to live, others fully believed the Jews were going to lose the war and they would be freed. Most resisted passively by continuing their cultural life with plays and concerts, often mocking the Nazis. Education and religious worship were also found in many ghettos, even after both had been restricted. Many Jews maintained their will to survive and continued to live in such painful and sorrowful