Asfotase alfa enzyme replacement therapy has substantial and sustained efficacy with a good safety profile for children suffering from HPP. Asfotase alfa is an important advance for many patients with HPP, their families, and the medical community because it can effectively replace in the skeleton the deficient enzyme called tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase,” said Michael Whyte, M.D.,“Without treatment, many newborns and infants with HPP fail to develop a normal rib cage and die from not being able to breathe, and young children with HPP can suffer from muscle weakness. Treatment with asfotase alfa, often markedly improved overall health. In young children with HPP, now treated for five years with asfotase alfa, significant corrections of the skeletal complications were documented, and all had better mobility and function. In the future , research will be done to see if this drug can completely reverse the condition if started as soon as being diagnosed. You can’t put a price on saving a life before it even got a chance to
Asfotase alfa enzyme replacement therapy has substantial and sustained efficacy with a good safety profile for children suffering from HPP. Asfotase alfa is an important advance for many patients with HPP, their families, and the medical community because it can effectively replace in the skeleton the deficient enzyme called tissue non-specific alkaline phosphatase,” said Michael Whyte, M.D.,“Without treatment, many newborns and infants with HPP fail to develop a normal rib cage and die from not being able to breathe, and young children with HPP can suffer from muscle weakness. Treatment with asfotase alfa, often markedly improved overall health. In young children with HPP, now treated for five years with asfotase alfa, significant corrections of the skeletal complications were documented, and all had better mobility and function. In the future , research will be done to see if this drug can completely reverse the condition if started as soon as being diagnosed. You can’t put a price on saving a life before it even got a chance to