Lowering the minimum legal drinking age 21 would give high schoolers and even middle schoolers easier access to alcohol. The minimum legal drinking should stay at 21 because people tend to be more mature and responsible at 21 than 18. As stated in the article,”The Legal Drinking Age: 18, 21, or 25?”, “Many proponents of a lowered drinking age blame the above behaviors on the fact that drinking is a taboo for most young people and, therefore, an act of rebellion.” 18 year olds are typically entering a new phase of independence from their parents through college or the workforce, and are more susceptible to binge drinking, …show more content…
Drinking at the age of 18 would lead to more drunk driving, designated driver programs, increased seat belt and airbag usage, safer automobiles, lower speed limits, free taxi services from drinking establishments. Also, there has been an increase in other problems related to heavy and irresponsible drinking among college age youth. For example 46% of students reported vomiting after drinking, 9% of student cutting class after drinking, 12% of student missing class because of hangover, 26% to 28% of student getting lower grade because of drinking, and 5% to 7% of student been in a fight after drinking. As you can see lowering the age to 18 will have more consequences than keeping it to