They believe that they are helping discover the roles of punishment on behavior. Although, this is not true. The participants themselves are the ones being analyzed. The experiment is to discover how far someone would obey an instruction of harming another person, despite personal conflict. The participant and an actor are places in a room and “get to choose” their roles of either teacher or learner, although the participants are given teacher. They hook the “students” up to a electrocution machine which gives them shocks. The teachers must then give them memory lessons and give shocks for each wrong answer. Some participants begin refusing the participate …show more content…
in the experiment any longer while others continue to deliver the shocks up to the highest voltage. Overall, 50% of the participants continued to shock while the other half didn’t.
I was very shocked by the outcome of this video. I believed that a person’s morals would affect their ability to follow orders more. Instead, I discovered that half of the participants followed the orders of the man, even after feeling the voltage on the lowest setting. The Milgram experiment proves that most people are obedient to authority, just as we are taught our entire lives, even to the point of killing another person.
78 Year Old Man Hit and No One Helped
In this video, there is an old man that walks out into the street. Two cars illegally pass on a double line. He just barely misses one car when he is hit by another car. He flips over the car and lays still on the street. There is screaming which I am unsure is coming from the man or someone walking on the sidewalk.
There are several people walking on the sidewalks, and there are several people who witnessed the man being hit, yet no one ran out to help him. Some people gather around his body. Someone even pulled out their phone to take either a video or a picture.
The video ends with a cop car pulling up.
This video is very disturbing and heart wrenching. Although, this is a really good example of the bystander effect. Most of the pedestrians most likely thought that someone else would help. Everyone assumed someone else would help. But since no one was making the attempt to help, everyone followed each other's actions. So, since one person didn’t help the man, no one else did since they were just “fitting in”.
Good Samaritans Caught on Dashcam
In the video, it was a compilation of many actions. It starts out with a busy street and cars slowing at a crosswalk. A cat is walking across and a man stops his car. He helps the cat across the street. Next, there is an old woman waiting to cross the street. A man stops his car, in the middle of the road, and helps the woman across. Next, there is someone on crutches that has fallen down in the middle of the street. A man stops his car and helps the person up and
Blakeley Newby
Abnormal Psychology
Dr. Kelly
3rd period the street. Next, a man gets out and wipes the back of a snow covered break light. Next, there is a child running out into the street. A man gets out and helps the child back to it’s house. Next, a man warns a woman about her stroller rolling off into the road. The video continues with many people helping others in different ways.
This video made me very happy. All of these people caught on the dashcam are doing good samaritan acts. Despite that others aren’t doing anything to help, these people aren’t affected by the bystander effect. These people go out of their way for the safety of others.