the United States …show more content…
must maintain the draft is because we need more highly trained people than just people from poor communities looking for career opportunities. One reason for this is because we need people that are higher educated and trained to utilize the use of new technology. All of the National Guard reserves might need to be called to action. The last reason is because that the selective service draft needs to be in effect. The reasons for this are we need combat troops to fight when the United States is in a full scale war. The first reason the draft works is because the United States need the larger army in a state of crisis or emergency to remain a super power. “To raise by draft as herein provided, organize and equip an additional force of five hundred thousand enlisted men, or such part or parts thereof as he may at any time deem necessary, and to provide the necessary officers, line and staff, for said force and for organizations of the other forces hereby authorized, or by combining organizations of said other forces, by ordering members of the Officers' Reserve Corps to temporary duty in accordance with the provisions of section thirty-eight of the national defense Act approved June third, nineteen hundred and sixteen.” “Such draft as herein provided shall be based upon liability to military, service of all male citizens, or male persons not alien enemies who have declared
their intention to become citizens, between the ages of twenty-one and thirty-years, both inclusive, and shall take place and be maintained under such regulations as the President may prescribe not inconsistent with the terms of this Act. Quotas for the several States, Territories, and the District of Columbia, or subdivisions thereof, shall be determined in proportion to the population thereof, and credit shall be given to any State, Territory, District, or subdivision thereof, for the number of men who were in the military service of the United States as members of the National Guard” the reasons the united states needs this is part of the national defense act as it stases here in the Selective Service Act of 1916 in section one “To draft into the military service of the United States, organize, and officer, in accordance with the provisions of section one hundred and eleven of said national defense Act, so far as the provisions of said section may be applicable and not inconsistent with the terms of this Act, any or all members of the National Guard and of the National Guard Reserves, and said members so drafted into the military service of the United States shall serve therein for the period of the existing emergency unless sooner discharged” The next reason is because the United States needs everyone to serve not just those who are willing. “Charles Rangel says he believes that many people in the military
today are from poorer communities looking for career opportunities and that the wealthier citizens are not doing their fair share.” This means that the rich do not do their part to protect our country and serve in the United States armed forces. “Those who have had honorable service in the Regular Army, the National Guard, or in the volunteer forces, or from the country at large; by assigning retired officers of the Regular Army to active duty with such force with their rank on the retired list and the full pay and allowances of their grade; or by the appointment of retired officers and enlisted men, active or retired, of the Regular Army as commissioned officers in such forces: Provided, That the organization of said force shall be the same as that of the corresponding organizations of the Regular Army.” If the country is in a state of emergency, the recently retired military personnel from the army and National Guard may be called back to war with full pay. When a male turns eighteen they must register for the draft. The consequences for not registering are a two-hundred fifty thousand dollar fine and up to ten years in federal prison. The question frequently arises if the modern draft is really a regular draft in disguise. The answer is no because the only time that the United States government can actually call men to fight is in a war according to the draft repeal in the 1970’s. One of the reasons that the draft did not
work very efficiently is because some richer citizens bought their way out of it but in the third section of the selective service act it states; “ No bounty shall be paid to induce any person to enlist in the military service of the United States; and no person liable to military service shall hereafter be permitted or allowed to furnish a substitute for such service; nor shall any substitute be received, enlisted, or enrolled in the military service of the United States; and no such person shall be permitted to escape such service or to be discharged therefrom prior to the expiration of his term of service by the payment of money or any other valuable thing whatsoever as consideration for his release from military service or liability thereto.” This means that nobody can buy their way out of service. The next reason the United States need to implement the draft is because we need better educated and higher trained people to serve so the very latest technology can be use more efficiently.
It says in the second section of the selective service act; “The President is authorized to raise and maintain by voluntary enlistment or draft, as herein provided, special and technical troops as he may deem necessary, and to embody them into organizations and to officer them as provided in the third paragraph of section one and section nine of this Act. Organizations of the forces herein provided for, except the
Army and the divisions authorized in the seventh paragraph of section one, shall, as far as the interests of the service permit, be composed of men who come, and of officers who are appointed from, the same State or locality.” The National Guard plays a key role in the voluntary enlistment and the draft itself. “That the enlisted men required to raise and maintain the organizations of the Regular Army and to complete and maintain the organizations embodying the members of the National Guard drafted into the service of the United States, at the maximum legal strength as by this Act provided, shall be raised by voluntary enlistment, or if and whenever the President decides that they cannot effectually be so raised or maintained, then by selective draft.” This is better because it will ensure that our nation will not falter with the cause being lack of technical education or technological advance going to waste because of ignorance. The last standpoint of the draft is will it work in the current era and will the United States use it properly when the time comes to put it into action. Since the repeal in the 1970’s the draft has not been in full use. During the war in Vietnam the United States used the draft and many protested some even burned their draft cards in protest. A lot of these protesters were considered cowards and that they were afraid to go to war not that it was
an intrusion on their freedoms like many protesters claimed it was. This lead to the legislative repeal of the draft and eventually the current drafting system we use that requires us just to register. How the system is supposed to work today is when a male turns eighteen years of age they must register or face the consequential terms listed above. When the country is in a state of emergency or nation threat the United States congress can start a draft that can call those who are registered to war. Some people a still trying to ‘dodge’ the draft and they can by claiming they did not know they were suppose to register and the only way the government can do to prove they did know is to send someone to find and notify them. Another way the get out of draft service is when you are sworn in they ask ‘whoever will serve step forward’ and the person refuses to take the step. “U.S. Representative Charles Rangel (Democrat of New York) thinks they should. Rangel, a veteran of the Korean War, believes that U.S. armed forces are being stretched to the limit. More than 100,000 U.S. troops are stationed in Iraq, with thousands more assigned to one of more than 100 other countries worldwide. When the new Democratic-led Congress is sworn in next month, Rangel said he will introduce a bill that calls for a military draft. Rangel, who voted against the war in Iraq, thinks that a draft will make things fairer. He also says it
would force lawmakers to think twice before deciding to vote for going to war.” Some in opposition to the views of Rangel say “Some military experts are against the draft. They believe that soldiers who choose to be in the military will do a better job than those who are forced to serve.”