I personally believe that there is more involved in nursing than just the general idea that of a person who assists a sick person. Nurses care for people from birth, growth, aging, health through sickness, injury, suffering, until loss, dying, and sorrowing, …show more content…
Growing up in Thailand has significantly influenced my desire to care for others. I have seen all various kinds of people struggle with poverty throughout my life, like infants, children, elderly people and even disabled people. Everyday I would see them on the streets whenever I see them I felt a strong desire to help them. As such in order to utilize this tendency I feel nursing is truly the right profession for me.
My previous degree was Social Sciences for both Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. I chose to study them because I had an interest and desire to have some influence over the lives of others and saw this is a possible means to help those suffering, especially through the social sciences I desired to have some impact in improving the lives of those less fortunate in Thailand. After a while, I realized this was a difficult field to have a real influence in and I might better achieve my desire by doing something more practical and hands on resulting in me looking towards