The medal plans provide higher income earners with the option to pay for higher or lower deductible as a way to evaluate the costs that they will have to pay for healthcare services.
Finally, the costs of Obamacare are funded by raising taxes on American citizens, especially in the higher income brackets. In this context, Obamacare seeks to manage the costs of heath care to enable people living in poverty to gain access to healthcare and to partially use taxes as way to compensate for the uninsured:
In order to get the money to help insure all these people, there are new taxes (mostly on high-earners and the healthcare industry). The taxes that may affect you directly are the individual mandate and the employer mandate (“Obamacare: Pros and Cons”, 2016, para.5).
In this way, those living below the poverty line will be a majority of the costs provided by the government; while middle and upper classes can partially pay for Obamacare through their income or by having a private health insurance plan. This is how the costs of Obamacare are primarily funded through tax revenue at the federal