Developing a sports base is important for both the performance and the health of the athlete (Hoffman, Sheldahl & Kraemer 1998), it would ideally address each aspect of the athletes physical and mental capabilities; previously much of the emphasis of such programmes was to improve CV and aerobic conditioning.
The range of metabolic requirements, injury potential, biomechanical characteristics …show more content…
Speed endurance can be developed by uphill runs, plyometrics and circuit training. Athletes who compete produce adrenaline and noradrenaline which affects the production of glycolysis as it alters the balance between PFK and FBPase. Another effect is the lowering of the firing threshold for Type II fibres and since these are not always utilised they reduce inhibition and present more motor units for use.
As can be seen sprinting is a highly specialised sport and depends on a highly effective training programme in order to develop and all the muscles and skills needed. Some of the components of fitness apply to a lesser extent particularly when compared to the need for power and the edge that “leaping” out of the starting blocks gives to an elite athlete. Plyometrics is seen as the most effective way to train for such an event as these develop skills and muscles the most.
Hoffman, Sheldahl & Kraemer (1998), Therapeutic exercise. In J. DeLisa (Ed.)Rehabilitation medicine: Principles and Practice, Philadelphia,