The coherence test determines contradictions within one’s worldview. By examining my beliefs, primarily in purpose and ultimate reality, it becomes obvious that my view of the world is from a primarily scientific vantage. Not only are my answers congruent, they build off one another to further strengthen my core beliefs.
Coherence is negligible, however, without correspondence. Correspondence evaluates if one’s beliefs are consistent with what available data and personal experience. The last century has been rife with new scientific data which helps us to better understand the universe around us. The more we learn, the more questions we generate, but fundamental discoveries are made at an astonishing rate to support the theory of a scientific existence. In this respect, my understanding of knowledge and reality can be quantified through data and experience.
Finally, the practical test examines all levels of a worldview, and determines if the views …show more content…
Constant scientific advances and discoveries build upon the foundation of my worldview, which may be why western culture seems to be moving more towards an atheistic point of view, as it relates to the world around us. The lines between individual perception and scientifically proven reality become thinner by the day and the species continues on a path of scientific enlightenment, as we continue to search for a principal that scientifically explains the nature of the