The impacts on our society with this racist thought in mind can ultimately create a loss in chances for African Americans to obtain modest compensating jobs. “As of 2013 72% of workers employed in fast food restaurants were black and Mexican while white dropout students have a higher chance of getting a moderately paying job” (Edwards). This entails working at a fast food restaurant is very hindering and demanding with the result of being paid minimum wage for the hours of effort. This can create the loss to needed necessities such as food and clothes because the parents will not be paid above minimum wage because of their race and ethnicity. “A new study from Arizona State University has found that fast food restaurants more aggressively target certain kinds of children with marketing: specifically children living in middle-income neighborhoods, rural communities and majority black neighborhoods.” (Short). This also emphasizes the companies aiming for “black neighborhoods” because they obtain low income so they are forced to …show more content…
“If an employer advertised an entry level job [that barred unemployed applicants] and in that community the Black unemployment rate was 20 percent and white unemployment rate was 10 percent, 20 percent of Blacks would be excluded from the get-go, and that could violate the civil rights law,”(Owen) This displays that the companies are aiming for black, African Americans to do their factory working or very hindering jobs for the company. The reason this is outrageous is that they expect that african americans are inferior and dumb. So they have no where else to go except the lowest paying