Overcoming race throughout the Americas has been an issue repeated for centuries, an issue that we tag gender onto. Although, these struggles make us stronger through every obstacle we face with both of these topics, America is a country full of ethnically diverse human beings that can only become closer to solving the issue but not quite close enough to finish it. Race continuously sets our nation back in politics as well as in our everyday lives. Instead of collaborating and growing off each other, it is a challenge for us as a nation to come together for those purposes. This is because of the way we started out at the beginning. In 1619 slavery was first brought to …show more content…
Just like the idea of owning another person went centuries without being unnoticed, we also had the idea that women were inferior to men. When African Americans and Hispanics were fighting for their rights, women were fighting to just have a voice in their own home. White males were the ones that were supposed to own land and vote in congress while women tended to the house and the children. It was a joke to speak of a women having a voice in government. They were portrayed to be weak and have a lack of intelligence. In 1868 women finally took a stand and had gotten through congress who purposed a women’s suffrage amendment to the constitution. Although it took varies meetings from women all across the nation, they got it done. They did not stop here. President Wilson spoke in 1918 to the senate about the women’s suffrage with plans on backing it up. Giving up wasn’t an option and a bunch of words in the constitution only made women crave more. More independence, freedom, rights. 1920’s bought a whole new outlook to government. Women were granted the right to vote. Women weren’t the only ones that struggled with the right to vote. Women of all colors were having the same struggle, which is why the movement was so successful. In 1968, Shirley Chisholm was the first African American women to be elected to congress. This gave women all across the world hope in making the world a better place through the