Gum recession in its earlier stages can be difficult to detect because the changes often occur gradually and without any symptoms. Regular dental checkups will help to prevent gum recession and assess risk factors for underlying causes.
Symptoms of receding gums include:
Longer-looking Teeth
Tooth Sensitivity
Tooth Root Exposure
Bad Breath
Common causes of gum recession:
Overly Aggressive Brushing
Periodontal Disease
Poor Oral Hygiene
Use of Chewing Tobacco
Treatment of Gum Recession
The cause of receding gums will determine the treatment. If overly aggressive brushing techniques are eroding the gums, a softer toothbrush and a gentler brushing technique should be used. If …show more content…
Though the name might sound frightening, Dr. Peltzer performs gum grafting on a routine basis with excellent results and impressive success rates.
Here are some of the major benefits associated with gum grafting:
Reduced sensitivity – When your tooth root becomes exposed, eating or drinking hot or cold foods can cause extreme sensitivity to your teeth. Gum grafting surgery permanently covers the exposed root, helps reduce discomfort, and restores the good health of your gums.
Improved appearance – Gum disease is characterized by gum recession and inflammation. Gum recession and root exposure can make your teeth look longer than normal, giving you a “toothy” smile. Gum grafting can make your teeth look shorter and more attractive.
Improved gum health – Gum disease can progress and destroy your gum tissue very rapidly. If left untreated, a large amount of your gum tissue can be lost in a short period of time. Gum grafting can help halt tissue and bone loss, preventing further problems and protecting exposed roots from further