The warthog is a wild member of the pig family. They are found in grasslands, savannas and woodlands in Sahanna, Africa. Pigs and warthogs have a lot of differences from each other. They have flat heads that are covered with warts. These ugly bumps actually protect the warts between their eyes and tusks. Males have warts near the jaw. The warthog poor vision, but the good thing is is that they have good sense of smell and hearing. To clean themselves they take sand baths, rub against trees and let tick birds eat insects off their bodies. They live in groups of females and the young, the males just stay in the groups to mate then they live to be alone.The females only have four teats, when she have her babies each one has exclusive teats so when a warthog dies the other three can’t go to that teat. The men have a traditional fight when they charge head on with violent and bloody action. Warthogs sleep and rest in holes or line themselves with grass to make them warmer. Their eating life is just as the same as a farm animal, except the way they dig for roots, bulbs, and rhizomes. Warthogs are grazers. They kneel on its calloused, hairy, padded knees to eat short grass. Using its snout and tusks, it also digs for bulbs, tubers, and
The warthog is a wild member of the pig family. They are found in grasslands, savannas and woodlands in Sahanna, Africa. Pigs and warthogs have a lot of differences from each other. They have flat heads that are covered with warts. These ugly bumps actually protect the warts between their eyes and tusks. Males have warts near the jaw. The warthog poor vision, but the good thing is is that they have good sense of smell and hearing. To clean themselves they take sand baths, rub against trees and let tick birds eat insects off their bodies. They live in groups of females and the young, the males just stay in the groups to mate then they live to be alone.The females only have four teats, when she have her babies each one has exclusive teats so when a warthog dies the other three can’t go to that teat. The men have a traditional fight when they charge head on with violent and bloody action. Warthogs sleep and rest in holes or line themselves with grass to make them warmer. Their eating life is just as the same as a farm animal, except the way they dig for roots, bulbs, and rhizomes. Warthogs are grazers. They kneel on its calloused, hairy, padded knees to eat short grass. Using its snout and tusks, it also digs for bulbs, tubers, and