Ferguson. This court case stated that things can be separate for black and whites, but they must be equal. So, buses and schools could be separate but they must be the same. "Victims of racial discrimination were told to seek relief not from the Federal Government, but from the states. Unfortunately, state governments were passing legislation that codified inequality between the, races." (Plessy vs. Ferguson 1896) When victims of discrimination were going to the government for help they told them to go to their states, but when these people went to their states, the states counldn't do anything because there were laws restricting it. This court case ended in a 7-1 vote. "Justice Brown conceded that the 14th Amendment intended to establish absolute equality for the races before the law. But Brown noted that "in the nature of things it could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political equality, or a commingling of the two races unsatisfactory to either." In short, segregation does not in itself constitute unlawful discrimination." Justice Brown said this to show that segregation is not discrimination, that is why this law "Seperate but Eqaul" got passed. Who decided what was equal? White people. So, were these things really
Ferguson. This court case stated that things can be separate for black and whites, but they must be equal. So, buses and schools could be separate but they must be the same. "Victims of racial discrimination were told to seek relief not from the Federal Government, but from the states. Unfortunately, state governments were passing legislation that codified inequality between the, races." (Plessy vs. Ferguson 1896) When victims of discrimination were going to the government for help they told them to go to their states, but when these people went to their states, the states counldn't do anything because there were laws restricting it. This court case ended in a 7-1 vote. "Justice Brown conceded that the 14th Amendment intended to establish absolute equality for the races before the law. But Brown noted that "in the nature of things it could not have been intended to abolish distinctions based upon color, or to enforce social, as distinguished from political equality, or a commingling of the two races unsatisfactory to either." In short, segregation does not in itself constitute unlawful discrimination." Justice Brown said this to show that segregation is not discrimination, that is why this law "Seperate but Eqaul" got passed. Who decided what was equal? White people. So, were these things really