First and for most, Mr. Hopper has such a strong impact on the community that he could have been just trying to …show more content…
prove a point to the towns people that you don’t have to have a secret or a sin just because your hiding yourself. Mr. Hopper is the minister in the towns church, so he is very important to the townsfolk’s. The conflict all started when the minister started wearing the black veil, causing him to change his appearance. The town people were astonished, they laughed, started, talked about him behind his back because of it. After even all that he still never told a single soul about why he wears the black veil.
Then, a dramatic thing happens to the minister.
He passes away, still wearing the black veil. As he passes away he explains that “every man has a secret sin.” Still never telling a single person why he was wearing the black veil. In the end, he lost his wife, respect from the towns people just because of this black veil of his. That shows that even when people don’t know the truth, they still assume the worst, or they even assume on why they would be wearing the black veil.
After all, Mr. Hooper was a minister of the church so why would he have secret sins that he has to hid, and why would he make it so obvious that he is hiding something. Mr. Hooper was trying to prove a point by wearing the black veil, not hid your secret sins. The towns people automatically judged the minister because of this black veil, even started spreading rumors around town. In “The Ministers Black Veil” the towns people said, "He has changed himself into something awful, only by hiding his face," an old women said, "Our parson has gone mad!" cried Goodman Gray.”
Everybody has secrets and sins, but it not everybody has to hid them. Mr. Hooper was trying to show the towns people that just because you sin, doesn’t mean you have to hid it. Also don’t just judge and criticize someone because of their appearance. Who knows Mr. Hooper could have had lots of sins and was never trying to hid the fact that he had them in the first