As a result of a high body surface area to body weight ratio, decreased brown fat stores, non keratinized skin, and decreased …show more content…
d) Radiation: Radiant loss is the net rate of heat loss from the body to environmental surfaces not in contact with the body.
Extremely preterm infants are especially prone to these losses secondary to the poor barrier provided by their thin, poorly keratinized skin. Normal body temperature is maintained by balancing heat loss and heat gain in a changing environment. Less than 1°C separates a baby from cold stress and warm stress which divert energy away from growth and towards the struggle of regulating body temperature.
The importance of maintaining the temperature of the newborn baby has been known for centuries. Thermal stress has been associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality, making early detection an important part of monitoring in sick infants.
Temperature control is paramount to survival and is typically achieved with use of radiant warmers or double walled incubators. Hypothermia (< 35°C) has been associated with poor outcome, including chronic oxygen dependency. Immediately after birth, the infant should be dried and placed on a radiant