The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of a token economy reinforcement program on tantrums, speaking out loud, and racial slurs. This study wanted to determine if token economy reinforcement would decrease target behaviors for an 18 year old male with mental disabilities. The effects of a token economy were investigated using a multiple baseline design across behaviors. The results indicated that awarding tokens for the nonexistence behavior was an effective procedure.
Inappropriate behavior in society can cause harm for those around the individuals and the individual themselves. Some behaviors that can cause a problem …show more content…
In Higgins, Williams, and McLaughlin (2001) token reinforcement programs were effective in decreasing getting up from a seat, talking out loud, and poor posture. The participate in the study was a 10- year old in third grade. The Child had normal intelligence but was below grade level in fundamental reading and writing skills. Dependent variables were defined as being out of his seat without permission, talking out loud in the classroom without being called on, and showcasing bad seating posture as evident in having his legs spread out and slouching. A multiple baseline design across behaviors was used to implement the token economy. One token was earned each minute when no target behaviors where shown. Inter-observer reliability was taken by the author and teacher sitting on both sides of the participant and independently recorded both inappropriate and appropriate behaviors for one session each week ( Higgins, Williams, & McLaughlin, 2001). Implementation of token economy demonstrated a decrease in target behaviors. Higgins, Williams, and McLaughlin (2001) encourages token economy for students exhibiting target behaviors in classroom settings because not only do behaviors disrupt the class learning but they also disrupt the learning of the individual exhibiting the target behavior. This article is imperative in teaching teachers a different method to approach target behaviors, rather than a time-out or detention