
Essay On Urgent Care

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In my understanding there’s always a controversy between Emergency Rooms versus Urgent Care Centers who provides the best care from each other. The debate over receiving treatment at a hospital emergency room versus treatment from an urgent care center is worth having for anyone concerned about medical debt, especially families, who may have a lot of “emergency” and “urgent” needs facing them every year. There are many sides to the debate, but generally my understanding for deciding between an emergency room and urgent care center are based upon your symptoms. According to my own experience of working in a hospital and a clinic as well as my own personal experience as a patient you should go to urgent care if you have a non-urgent condition …show more content…

You don’t what to have an all nighter on a hospital chair then don’t go to the emergency room because you will be there all night before you are call into a room. Myself as a patient I recommend and prefer the urgent care center versus the ER. Urgent care has taken care of me quickly with a low cost in visit versus the times that I’ve gone to the ER paid a high co payment and just end up walking out without the care because of the ridiculous wait times and the amount of time that they kept me in a room just to charge up my insurance for supposedly treating me which was me just laying there waiting to be treated. Think about it if an ambulance comes in with a patient who is severely hurt or critically ill than those patients will be taken care of before a minority patient and this has been my case the times that I’ve gone into the ER even when I was an employee of the hospital I would still be treated the same. Now I don’t even bother I just make an urgent care …show more content…

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