At the World Water Forum, the key message was: There is probably enough fresh water available to meet human needs, despite climate change and population growth. However, the problem is poor management of water, which results in scarcity and conflict. I agree with this message that was brought up during the forum because there can still be a good amount of water for everyone, it's just some people take for granted that they waste the water and they think that’s not making a negative impact on the world. If they just keep on doing what they are doing our water supply will decrease drastically.
Some ways I manage water is by using the water quickly. What I mean when I say this is that if i'm brushing my teeth i’ll get a cup and fill it half ways …show more content…
with water for when I rinse out my mouth and I quickly rise my toothbrush before and after I use it. Another way I manage my family's water use is by doing things I need to do and then use the water. For example, when I wash the dishes I clean the dishes with soap first, like to scrub all the excess food off. Then, I quickly but attentively rinse off all of the dishes and the dry and put away. Those are just a couple of simple ways people can start managing their water to help save up water for the years to come. In the first paragraph of the text when they say “The United Nations says water wars may be more likely in the future than wars over oil.” They are basically saying that if people don't change how they use or manage their water, in the future there can be wars where people will fight for water as it might be a limited resource, instead of oil as that will be less of an issue than it is now.
In the second paragraph of the text where they say “Water will … become one of the defining limits to human development and a compounding factor in human misery.” When they say this they mean that water will become a level where humans may not extend the use of water and it will affect the development of humans and that's a terrible thing. People really need to get their act together because if not their will be
Based on my observation over the last couple years I noticed that since I was in 5th grade in elementary school there started to be a problem with this whole water usage controversy, and that was only like 5-4 years ago and that's around when they gave the 1st warning. I’ve also noticed that this isn’t the 1st time that scientists, environmentalist, etc. have gave people warning about fixing their water using habits, and people still aren’t listening. People need to start figuring out ways to make a difference where they thinks a good fit for them. People might think they aren’t making a difference even by saving a gallon of water but if saving a gallon over the years will be a huge difference. There is going to be a day where these people will give their final warning and no one going to listen as always and when you least expect it, it's gonna be too late to make a change. Thank you for taking the time to read this and that what I have to say about “Water Controversies Boil Over”.