Our drinking water can come from wells, rivers and reservoirs. Our water usually does notcome from the ocean, because it is too salty to drink. The water in our rivers and reservoirscomes from precipitation. The amount of rain on average is almost the same from year toyear, while the population on the other hand is increasing. That means there is less water for each person in the future.Everyone should try to conserve water. However, it matters most to conserve where the population is greatest. In a wilderness if you waste water there is little effect on theenvironment. In a big city however, if everyone wastes water the population may run outquickly.To save water, you can turn the sprinkler system off when it is raining. Inside the house,you can fix a dripping faucet. You can also take shorter showers. Each person should tryto discover their own new way to conserve water.
The Importance of Water
All living things need water. The Earth is full of water. The problem is that people oftenlive where ther eisn’t enough of it, and they too often waste the water they do have.Humans and other creatures must drink water. But is has many other uses. People usewater to bathe, to brush their teeth, to build structures such as houses and schools, and tomake products from toothpaste and paper to clothing and bricks.People waste tons of water, and they don’t even know it. People are wasteful. Theyleave the water on while brushing their teeth, take long showers, and use water to cleantheir driveways. That is really bad!There are many ways to save water instead of wasting it. People can turn off the faucetwhile brushing their teeth and take much shorter showers. They can use a broom insteadof a hose to clean their driveways. You can also save water by having a full load of laundry instead of putting just a few items of clothing in the washing machine. You cansave 40 gallons of water by doing that! People need to change their wasteful bad habits,and