Common Core Standards may not be of great interest to you, but they should. These standards will more likely than not affect you in one way or another. Whether you are a teacher adopting the different standards, a student being taught and even tested on these standards, a parent of a child being evaluated by Common Core State Standards, or perhaps just knowing people experiencing Common Core State Standards, this is guaranteed to be something you should educate yourself on. There are many who are opposed to the Common Core State Standards. Common Core State Standards should be removed from schools because they create a lack of diversity, standards are too long and cumbersome, cause extra work …show more content…
Common Core’s website,, states that, “The standards are designed to build upon the most advanced current thinking.” If the Common Core State Standards are building on the most advanced thinking minds in schools, are any children besides the most advanced going to excel? How will any but the smartest students educate themselves with these standards? Any type of education is meant to improve both those who struggle and also those with advanced minds. Many students learn at a different pace than others and endorsing the same standards for all states will mismanage the rate of education. This approach will ruin free thinking and creativity and encourage sameness between students. Different states and schools could have varied learning environments and a certain order they teach the different subjects. Common Core State Standards encourage each student to reach the same level of achievement. It would be better if schools focused on furthering individual students’ natural skills. When your goal is to get all the students to the same level of achievement, students that excel in the particular subject will never be able to maximize their maximum potential and students that struggle in the particular subject will waste time on a subject that has already reached its maximum potential in that student’s mind. Not all students reach the same level of achievement and not all of their minds develop