Social learning theory - aggressive behaviour is learnt by observing others being aggressive. Also learnt by vicarious learning - learning by watching others learn. theory claims we learn it primarily through observing those similar to us e.g gender, age etc. or if we find them attractive or they have a high status/authority.
Bandura believed 4 stages took place in SLT - Attention, retention, Reproduction and Motivation.
Explains why not everyone is aggressive even if they have similar experiences towards aggression.
SLT is supported by the Bobo Doll Study
Bobo Doll Study - 72 children, different groups : experimental = saw adult model being aggressie to Bobo doll, Control = non agressive behaviour witnessed, then put in to a room with a Bobo doll and behaviour was observed. found children who witnessed aggressive behaviour were more likely to be aggressive. lacks ecological validity - lab experiment demand characteristics could have occured
Aggression was towards a doll might not be the same towards humans
Ethics - child learns aggressive behaviour, informed consent - children too young parents give permission.
Deindividuation - loss of sense of individual identity, loss of public and private self awareness e.g football crowds feeling of anonimity - feel as though you are not going to be singled out and punished you act as one with the crowd.
explains things such as mob mentality - football crowds, black friday etc. explains why people behave differently than normal when they are amongst a group of people.
Social learning theories don't take in to account potential biological factors = genetics- neural and hormonal mechanisms etc.