APA/ Res/2009/10
10 December 2009
Resolution on Environmental Issues, Global Warming, Climate Change and
Planting Billions of Trees throughout Asia
We, the Members of the Asian Parliamentary Assembly,
Recalling the Resolution on Environmental Issues, Global Warming, Climate Change and Planting Billions of Trees throughout Asia, APA/Res/2008/03, dated 29 November 2008;
Welcoming of the Report of the Secretary-General on Environmental Issues, Global Warming, and Planting Billions of Trees throughout Asia, contained in document SG/Rep/2009/07, dated 3 June 2009, to the Sub-Committee meeting on Environmental Issues, Global Warming, and Planting Billions of Trees throughout Asia held in Seoul, the Republic of Korea on 1-2 July 2009;
Recognizing the need to create a balance between the prerogatives for development of the Asian countries and protection of their environment;
Being concerned that people from the Asian developing countries, especially women and children living in poverty, are particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change because of their limited capacity and resources to respond, and that this gives them a particular claim on the solidarity and support of the Asian developed countries;
Noting that the development and deployment of renewable energies hold great promise in reconciling the increasing needs for energy, particularly in the developing world, and the ability of the environment to meet present and future needs;
Being aware that good governance is an indispensable tool for combining economic development and environmental protection;
Taking note of the deliberations of the Sub-Committee on Environmental Issues, Global Warming, and Planting Billions of Trees throughout Asia;
Expressing concern about the negative impacts of climate change in Asia;
Expressing concern also at negative impacts of increase in the population and rapid urbanization on environment;