Year of Enactment and Implementation
Enacted and Implemented in 1978
To attain and maintain a rational and orderly balance between socio-economic growth and environmental protection
Control Area
The pursuit of a comprehensive and integrated environmental protection program necessitates the establishment and institutionalization of a system whereby the exigencies of socio-economic undertakings can be reconciled with the requirements of environmental quality
The regulatory requirements of Environmental Impact Statement and Assessments instituted in pursuit of this national environmental protection program have to work into their full regulatory and procedural details in a manner consistent with the goals of the program
Declared environmentally critical projects and areas are required to obtain an Environmental Compliance Certificate before operation
Environmentally Critical Projects includes heavy industries, resource extractive industries, infrastructure projects, golf course projects
Characteristics of Environmentally Critical Areas:
Areas declared by law as natural parks, watershed reserves, wildlife reserves, and sanctuaries
Areas set aside as aesthetic, potential tourist spots
Areas which constitute the habitat for any endangered or threatened species of indigenous Philippine wildlife (flora and fauna)
Areas of unique historical, archeological, geological or scientific interests
Areas which are traditionally occupied by cultural communities or tribes
Areas frequently visited and/or hard hit by natural calamities (geologic hazards, floods, typhoons, volcanic activity, etc.)
Areas of critical slope
Areas classified as prime agricultural lands
Recharged areas of aquifers
Mangrove areas
Coral reefs
Violators shall be punished by the suspension of cancellation of his/its certificate and or fine for each violation