Miriam A. James
Professor: Dr. Kathy Zientek
October 8, 2012
From learning theories to technology tools, what do you find to be the most challenging aspect of teaching and learning with technology? What do you find to be the most beneficial?
From learning theories to technology tools the most challenging aspect of teaching and learning with technology has been the expanding rapid modern technologies themselves. Teachers are required to learn how to use these technologies in their classroom daily. While new technologies are growing the challenge has been to insure that teachers training needs are met. Communication and information technology can provide more effective and flexible hardware/software for professional development for teachers, improve pre-and in-service training and connect teachers to the global teacher community.
The most beneficial aspect of teaching and learning with technology from leaning theories to technology tools has been the integration of technology into pre-service teacher education programs from the constructivist and behaviorist perspective for the aim of improving student learning and pre-service teacher training. Technology tools allow us to better serve the diverse learning styles of our students and educate them for a wider range of intelligence. Everybody has different learning styles for meaningful learning but teachers cannot represent all the styles in a traditional classroom environment. However, with the flexibility and help of the technologies, we can design learning environments in which students are assisted in managing and constructing their own representations of knowledge in their minds.
You have read about and discussed various technologies throughout this course. What technology tool intrigues you the most, when it comes to teaching and learning? Why?
The technology tool that intrigues me the most when it comes to teaching and
References: Barseghian, T. (2011). Three Trends That Define the Future of Teaching and Learning Jung, I. (2005). ICT-Pedagogy Integration in Teacher Training: Application Cases Worldwide. Educational Technology & Society, 8 (2), 94 Koç / TÜFED-TUSED / 2 (1) (2005). Implications of Learning Theories for Effective Technology Integration and Pre-service Teacher Training: A Critical Literature Review Lever-Duffy, J. & McDonald, J. B. (2011). Teaching and learning with technology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. /Allyn & Bacon.