Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell, published in England on 17 August 1945. According to Orwell, the book reflects events leading up to the Russian Revolution of 1917 and then on into the Stalin era in the Soviet Union. Orwell was a democratic. Is an animal novel through which Orwell indirectly attacks on the Russian Communism. Through a humorous and effective animal play, Orwell directs his satiric attack on the events of the Russian Revolution and on the totalitarian regime.
George Orwell’s Animal Farm is a play through which he presents his sarcastic view of human nature. He uses fictitious animals to expose the issues of injustice, exploitation and inequality in human society. Orwell uses the novel, Animal Farm, to present the story of The Russian Revolution and essentially express his opinions on the matter. By plainly exposing the unjust and corrupt system that is communism, Orwell is in the end presenting his pessimistic view of human nature. It is evident through the text that Orwell believes that in theory everybody wants equality, hence the concept of communism, yet it is in our nature as human beings to try to find power. This can be shown in the text when the pigs initiate to overthrow Farmer Jones, so that all animals are from now on equal. Yet as soon as the pigs assume authority, history repeats as they sink into the old habits of Farmer Jones, by exploiting the animals, cutting rations, increasing labour, and in effect creating an imbalance of equality. This obvious imposture and corrupt system gets so far out of hand that the situation the animals are in is identical from the condition they were in back when Farmer Jones ruled them. The pigs become comparable to Farmer Jones to the extent that one might consider them exchange. From this example, we