Nurses are some of the most caring people known to mankind. Nursing is a group of intelligent, caring, honest people. Those who commit to nursing are independent and care immensely about the people they choose to care for. A fault in society is the result of hardship, often when bad things happen to a person they struggle to find someone who cares about them enough to stick through the rough patch. However, in nursing there is an abundance of those who commit solely to the love and care of people they don’t always know. Nursing is a beautiful phenomenon, one I hope lasts forever.
In the vignette, there was an abundance of examples, demonstrating important aspects of nursing. The first one I would like to talk about is Integrity. Integrity is demonstrated through the first sentence “ A nurse volunteers her time to provide service for indigent clients at a free health clinic once or twice a month for a 3-4 hour period.” The example of a busy women committing her time to a better cause shows a strong moral …show more content…
Those who choose to work in health care have a special kind of caring. It is a gift. Those who are born with a special kind of heart to commit to the welfare of others. This nurse is looking at the large picture, seeing the importance of all human life, regardless of the price tag. This shows a lot about the nursing industry. They provide the service that most others would turn away from. This nurse is committed and perseveres when others would probably run away. Unfortunately, because this person has nothing to offer, others in society would likely kick them down, however, she is willing to help those who are down on their luck. She is concerned for the well-being of others when nobody else