Chapter 1-Subject Review Questions 1. Describe a great manager. What makes him or her stand out from the crowd?
A great manager is astute, a strategic thinker, and a self-effacing leader. They are great leaders, straight-talkers, empathetic, have control over their organization and are great organizers. Great managers should also be able to multi-task. They must be able to work with a diverse organization, and be free of from prejudices. Great managers should also appreciate their employees, and they should show their appreciation. These managers take their organization to new heights. They are sure to accomplish and stay with their organization’s goal and their mission statements. 2. Have you ever seen or worked for an ineffective manager? Describe the causes and the consequences of the effectiveness.
I would have to say that throughout my career I have been fortunate enough to not have an ineffective manager. I have always had very effective managers. I have always had the kind of managers that care about the needs of the organization as well as the people that work within the organization. To top it off, my managers cared about our professional career as well as our personal lives and well-being. My managers had an understanding that their employees or team member’s professional and personal lives both weighed and depended heavily on one another. 3. Describe in as much detail as possible, how the Internet and globalization affect your daily life.
The Internet and globalization effect everyday life tremendously. First and foremost without the internet, most organizations would be at a work stoppage. We rely on the internet in almost every facet of our lives. At my organization, we use the internet to keep up with the most recent policies and the newest updates to the Federal Acquisition Regulation. Myself, as well as others throughout the world use the internet from everything to banking to bill paying. We use it to