I’ve talked to someone who experienced Alienation – He’s my uncle. He is currently working as a technical support representative for a very well-known smartphone company. He shared on how he experienced unfair treatment and estrangement in their company. He said that being a technical support representative for the company for 1 year and 6 months now, he had handled many line of businesses which some of them are already dissolving due to the fast growing innovations of smartphones, tablets and software. It is the tenurity to the company that somehow gives him the idea of being unfair. He also said that the knowledge he has already incurred from the past are just thrown away like trash if there are new updates and they must be always the first to know. He know for a fact definitely that updates in this type of business are inevitable but to be paid as an agent he was always chosen to disseminate the information and teach it to the new ones – trainer’s task to be exact. According to him, sometimes due to the large number of calls and the lack of people available, he also does manager calls, again, paid as an agent. For me, it sounds really unfair. But for him, it doesn’t mean that because of the product knowledge he should be taking someone’s responsibility. Well, they are the boss and of course, he have to follow – he added. Sometimes, he even wonder why do some people keeps on passing the responsibility that was given to them. Are they power tripping? Or they are just preparing him for a bigger responsibility. But if this is the case, they should not let him do their entire job. If having a job nowadays is not that hard, and the tenurity to the company, he has already signed his resignation for a change.
In my own point of view, he should be paid by the level of tasks he has been doing. Because according to him, it happens not just only once or twice in a week but the whole week. That’s already too much. Maybe they