ETH 125
Final paper
What information about diversity in the United States has helped you better understand or relate to others in ways that you may not have in the past?
The information I learned about diversity may not fit into the intended point of the class. Thinking back as far as I can remember the way I related to others was and still is decided on the way the mutual consideration for respect for whatever the purpose for the need to relate. At a point in my life I would have had no problem saying ‘’I Steven Hodges am proud to have a divers mindset in regard to being open to everything, and everyone imaginable under the sun’’. It is unfortunate that the word diversity seems to have been tainted and used like a tool to cloud and impede the accomplishments made, or at least started by people like Martin Luther King JR. The information I have gathered about diversity in the US is that so many people are too worried about other people and how diverse they are; but they them self-need to ask themselves how divers they truly are. I feel that too many people have a sense of entitlement and these same people freely point out the differences of other people who may not share the same opinion as them. Yet if they are so divers why can they not accept that people are different and we all do not have to think and feel the way the next person does.
Have you learned something new about your own racial, ethnic, or cultural history?
I have been not learned anything new about my direct history, but I was reminded of how terribly cruel Americans were in the past. They say history repeats itself; this might be due to the consent reminders. It is good to remember the past so that the same mistakes are not made, but the way it is gone about that is to remind people about the past in such a negative way. The past should not be used to turn people against each other, should not be used to hold people back, and should not be used to instill a sense of