Sexual harassment and falsifying data are an unethical practice that happens in many organizations, even today. Leaders must take action. In the case of the Mysterious Roses and the case of the Cold Feet G BioSport find themselves resolving serious dilemmas. This discussion will address decision-making steps, ethical lenses used to make decisions, and ethical lenses that influence decisions.
Ethical issues presented in the simulation
The Mysterious Roses and the Case of the Cold feet were two simulation that present different issues with different solutions. The Mysterious Roses dealt with a sexual harassment …show more content…
After a little internal investigation the reports Phillip Waters gave are definitely incorrect. Division Medical Director; Phillips Waters have given false data on an upcoming article on a research study that has been changed and cannot be replicated. The issue is this is a whistle blowing case.
Decision-making steps taken to address ethical issues
To arrive at a decision for the Mysterious Roses, and the Case of the Cold Feet identifying the primary stakeholders is the first step. Knowing who to investigate in the dilemmas will be critical. As with both situations the impact of the decision will affect the stakeholders in some fashion.
Ethical perspectives or lenses used to make the decisions
The Rights and Responsibility Lens further the process in making a decision. Gayle has the right to know that employees should have the correct information on sexual harassment procedures and to follow proper protocol. The level of responsibility that each stakeholder plays in the dilemma is crucial. From the director of sale, Gayle Dornier, Bill Witherspoon, and the shareholders shares responsibility in the outcome of the dilemma. Creating the greatest good for the stakeholders and company is …show more content…
The primary Stakeholders in the Case of the Cold Feet range are the shareholders, chief legal officer, marketing director, Phillip, and the National Institute of Health. The best responsible option is to let Phillip Water know that an in-house investigation is beginning. An explanation will be given but not include the junior researcher who caught the findings. Further, make certain that a policy is in place for handling concerns for falsifying data research.
Ethical perspectives or lenses influence the decisions
The Results Lens here influences the decision that was determined. Advising Gayle that meeting with her privately to address her concerns was possible, but cannot guarantee confidentially until she address the issue yields the best option. Until she address the issue only speculation that there is sexual harassment can be made.
In respect to the results lens the publishing of falsifying data there are basic liberties given to the right of the community. To better serve and protect the members of the communities design a policy for the accused to speak on it, form a committee and make sure a policy is in place about falsifying clinical